Math- Saxon Math
Math in kindergarten includes numbers, shapes, patterns, counting, measuring, and using graphs to discover similarities and differences solving problems. Instruction includes math worksheets and a variety of manipulatives (foam shapes, counting bears, unifix cubes, coins, scales, and graphs). Much of kindergarten math is through a hands-on approach.
Cathedral School's math program is distinctive in both its format and scope. Using Saxon Math throughout all grade levels, students in grades K-2 experience instruction in fundamental concepts. As each student enters grade 3, he/she, using placement test scores, previous teacher's input, is placed in the appropriate math level. This allows for differentiated instruction for all students. Students at Cathedral have the opportunity to move through the math curriculum at their own pace, and many will complete courses in high school level Algebra 1 and 2 prior to graduation. Care is taken to ensure that students are challenged and yet comfortable in their math placements.
Reading- Saxon Reading
Kindergarten students participate in an intense, systematic phonics program. This program presents information incrementally (in small, easily understandable lessons) and reviews them daily. This reading series includes worksheets and student readers. During October, students begin keeping a journal for each month.
Reading Lists- Book Reports
Reading to your child every night is a very valuable way to get children interested in reading. Therefore, books read by parents are counted for the monthly book lists. The book lists are sent home beginning in October. Later in the year, students will have beginning readers to read to parents.
Handwriting- Zaner Blosser style of handwriting is taught in kindergarten.
We begin by learning the Hail Mary prayer and learning about God’s many gifts to the world. We will learn and memorize many prayers during the year. Students attend all school Mass weekly.
Science and Social Studies
Kindergarten visits the Missouri Department of Consesrvation after learning about the five senses. In class, students will learn through exploration with different items in our messy table. We learn about our community and many community helpers.
Music and PE
Students will attend PE 5 times a week and Music 2-3 times a week. Kindergarteners receive a grade based on participation and behavior.
To begin the year, students receive a short homework assignment that is intended to be positive practice. The assignment is due on Fridays.
Field trips
Kindergarten goes on field trips throughout the year. The trips are planned according to the availability of parent drivers and overall behavior of the group.
Geography- Geography Immersion
During the second semester, each class at Cathedral studies and prepares a presentation on a different county throughout the world. Through this process, the children learn important lessons in geography, native cultural practices, religious beliefs, cuisine, attire, government, daily living, and much more. These presentations are showcased in an “open house” format for families and other students to come and enjoy.