Father Stephen Hansen
I grew up in southeastern Wisconsin and was named after a priest, Fr. Stephen Peil, my mom’s uncle. Raised with six sisters and brothers by my late parents, Eugene and Margery, I attended Catholic grade and high school, then the University of Wisconsin – Parkside. I studied Business, and then Biology. I additionally studied Pre Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville and attended Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis. Finally, I was ordained a priest by Bishop Robert Finn on June 3rd, 2006. Prior to being named pastor of Coronation of Our Lady, I was a transitional deacon at St. Andrew the Apostle in Gladstone and pastor of Immaculate Conception in Lexington.

Father Benjamin Fenlon
Parochial Vicar

Mr. Kent McEnaney
Principal of Cathedral School
Bachelor of Arts, Interdisciplinary Studies (K-8) WGU (2019)
Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Northwest Missouri State University (2022)
Graduate of: Central High school (1987)
Family: Tracy and I have been married for 30 years. We have four sons who have all attended Cathedral.
Personal Statement: Coaching and working with young people has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. I decided to take a leap-of-faith and put my enthusiasm, energy and life experiences to work in the classroom.

Mrs. Tracy Mattox
Assistant Principal, 8th Grade Teacher
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
Graduate of:
Missouri State University, Springfield, MO (1997)
Bishop LeBlond High School (1992)
Cathedral School (1988)
Joined Cathedral: 1999
My Joy: Spending time with my family brings me joy.
My Favorite Cathedral Tradition: The Living Stations of the Cross
Favorite Spot on Campus: The garden by the outdoor classroom
My Motto: "Peace begins with a smile." Saint Mother Teresa
Book Recommended for Students: Read anything you love!
What I love About About Cathedral: I love the family atmosphere and strong sense of tradition.
Best Teaching Moment: All of the moments when the "light bulb" goes off

Ms. Lauren Lujan
Administrative Assistant
Degree: A.A.S. Health Information Technology
Joined Cathedral: 2020
My Joy: My son is my pride and joy. He makes me laugh with his sense of humor multiple times a day.
My Favorite Cathedral Tradition: May Crowning Mass is my favorite tradition at Cathedral. It's a beautiful way to honor Mary with the second and eighth graders.
Favorite Spot on Campus: The garden area between the outdoor classroom and the library. It's beautiful spot to take a moment and feel peaceful in it's presence.
My Motto: Work first, then play.
What I love About About Cathedral: Our sense of community. We are one big family.
Best Teaching Moment: As a class was passing me in the hallway, one student said, "You take care of use when we get hurt so you get hugs." The whole class then proceeded to give me hugs!

Mrs. Trish Supple
Kindergarten Teacher
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
Graduate Of: Missouri Western State University, 1982
Joined Cathedral: We joined Cathedral parish in 1991 and have been proud members ever since. I started teaching kindergarten at Cathedral shortly after that.
My Joy: Spending time with my family and grandkids!
My favorite Cathedral Tradition: I love the first week of school, meeting all the new students I’ll spend the year with.
Favorite Spot on Campus: I love the picnic table on the lower playground because the rest of the class has fun playing while I have quality time listening to students read one on one.
My Motto: Work hard and be nice!
Best Teaching Moment: I love the moment when a student sees that they’re able to read.
Personal Statement: A Catholic school is a place where academic education is intertwined with religious education. High standards, high expectations, faith, and friendship are all reasons why I choose to teach at Cathedral School.

Mrs. Kelly Tabor
1st Grade Teacher
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education
Graduate of: Southwest Missouri State University (Missouri State University) 2004; Bishop LeBlond High School, 2000; and Cathedral School, 1996.
Joined Cathedral: Cathedral has been a part of me ever since I was in Pre-School! I graduated 8th Grade from Cathedral in 1996. I came back home to Cathedral to teach 1st grade in 2012.
My Joy: It brings me great joy just being with my family! My husband Matt and our 3 sons, Cooper, Quinn, & Henry are my whole world. It is such a joy to spend time with them and get to make wonderful memories together.
My Favorite Cathedral Tradition: My most favorite tradition here at Cathedral is the 8th Grade Living Stations. It is such a beautiful and moving experience to witness every year.
Favorite Spot on Campus: My favorite spot on campus would have to be my 1st grade classroom. It is my 2nd home and where I get to see my students grow and learn each and every day.
My Motto: There is always something to be grateful for!
Book Recommended for Students: There are so many children's books I love and recommend to my first graders! My most favorite is Charlotte's Web! I also love The Kissing Hand, The Crayon Box That Talked, and any book by Max Lucado.
What I love About About Cathedral: I love the family atmosphere here at Cathedral. I have always felt at home when I am here. Cathedral is a place where anyone would do anything for you. I love the many traditions that have been around ever since I went to school here. I absolutely love that Cathedral is a place where children can come to fell loved, to learn, and most importantly grow in their faith in God.
Best Teaching Moment: My most favorite teaching moment is every May when I get to see how far my students have grown throughout the year. It is such an inspiring and proud feeling to know that all of the hard work I put in as a teacher has paid off! Knowing my students are ready for the next year is such a wonderful feeling!

Mrs. Amy Roetto
5th Grade Teacher
Graduate of:
Joined Cathedral:
My Joy:
My Favorite Cathedral Tradition:
Favorite Spot on Campus:
My Motto:
Book Recommended for Students:
What I love About About Cathedral:
Best Teaching Moment:

Mrs. Kristy Bachali
2nd Grade Teacher
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education
Graduate of: Graduate of Missouri State University in Springfield, MO
Joined Cathedral: I have been a member of the Cathedral Parish my entire life. I have been a teacher at Cathedral since 2011.
My Joy: Watching people do the right thing, even when no one is looking, brings me JOY!
My Favorite Cathedral Tradition: Alumni Mass, Cathedral School Book of Prayer
Favorite Spot on Campus: Cathedral Church
My Motto: Always remember...YOU are BRAVER than you believe, STRONGER than you seem, SMARTER than you think, and LOVED more than you know.
Book Recommended for Students: Unicorn Diaries, I Survived, Judy Moody, The Boxcar Children
What I love About About Cathedral: Cathedral has ALWAYS been a community that will support families through prayer and action.
Best Teaching Moment: My best teaching moments are when previous students make efforts to say, "Hello", both in the school building and in the community.

Mrs. Lindy Giefer
4th Grade Teacher
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
Graduate Of: Missouri Western State University
Joined Cathedral: 1991
My Joy: Spending time with my family brings me joy.
Favorite Spot on Campus: The church is my favorite spot on campus. The church provides comfort.
Book Recommended for Students: Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo.
What I love About About Cathedral: Cathedral School is a like a family. It is a community full of faith, support, and friendship.

Mrs. Julie Guldan
3rd Grade Teacher

Ms. Hope Dahlgren
6h Grade Teacher
Degree: s
Joined Cathedral:
My Joy:
Favorite Spot on Campus:
My Motto:
Book Recommended for my Students:
Best Teaching Moment:

Mrs. Sharon Pflugradt
Art Teacher (Kindergarten - 6th Grade)
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Elementary Education with an emphasis in Early Childhood Education
Master of Education/Teacher Leadership
Graduate of: Missouri Western State College; Benedictine College
Teaching Experience: This is my 23rd year of teaching with 19 of those in Catholic Schools. I have taught Pre-K, Kindergarten, 2nd, 3rd. 4th, and 5th.
Family: My husband, Joe, and I have been married for 36 years. We have two sons, Courtney and Cody, and two daughters-in-law, Katie & Jamie, and 3 adorable grandchildren: Andrew, Patrick, and Mia.
Personal Statement: I am excited to be back “home” at Cathedral, the parish I grew up in and graduated from. I am looking forward to be a part of a school community where “Faith and Friendship Rule!”

Mrs. Nichole Page
Physical Education Teacher
Graduate of:
Joined Cathedral:
Personal Statement:

Mrs. Janet Pollard
7th Grade teacher
Joined Cathedral:
My Joy:
My Favorite Cathedral Tradition:
Favorite Spot on Campus:
My Motto:
Book Recommended for Students:
What I love About About Cathedral: T
Best Teaching Moment:

Mrs. Lindsay Phillips
Librarian (K-6)