Eighth Grade Curriculum
Math - Saxon Math
Cathedral School's math program is distinctive in both its format and scope. Using Saxon Math throughout all grade levels, students in grades K-2 experience instruction in fundamental concepts. As each student enters grade 3, he/she, using placement test scores, previous teacher's input, is paced in the appropriate math level. This allows for differentiated instruction for all students. Students at Cathedral have the opportunity to move through the math curriculum at their own pace, and many will complete courses in high school level Algebra 1 and 2 prior to graduation. Care is taken to ensure that students are challenged and yet comfortable in their math placements.
American History
- An overview of America from World War II to the Civil War (we move backward!)
- Students do a Lit study in conjunction with the Holocaust unit
- Study Trips to the WW I museum and other pertinent locations are scheduled
- Projects include the creation of a Jazz Age Hall of Fame, use of primary source documents from various eras, and creation of movie-style posters highlighting the issues faced by the Progressives.
- Using Junior Scholastic magazines enables students to stay current with world affairs, improves map reading skills and interpretation of the technical and expository writing.
- The annual Geography Immersion project allows each class to focus on a single foreign country during this 2-week project. All Cathedral students then tour the nations as presenters explain customs, culture, and geography. Elaborate decor, food samples, and native dress completes the experience.