Altar Society

St. Anne's Altar Society is the women's organization of the Parish. This group was started over 100 years ago.  Originally their duties included decorating the altars, attending to the priests' vestments, and making the altar bread. 

They held several social functions a year, one being a tea to entice new members to join.  Through the years, they have, as a group, been known for their dedication and service to Cathedral Parish.  Although some of the services have changed, their dedication to the parish has not.  Today they still attend to the sanctuary, vestments, and other liturgical needs of the church.  In today's changing world, they also raise money by hosting dinners and teas, selling items made by the Sewing Group, and providing and managing the table of baked goods at the annual St. Joseph's Day Dinner.  Their efforts benefit the Battered Women's Shelter at the YWCA, Birthright, and the parish food pantry.  There also are three teams of members who provide funeral luncheons for the family and friends of deceased parishioners. 

Every woman of the parish over eighteen years of age is considered a member.  A member is considered active if she has paid her $5 annual dues and is willing to assist with activities and events. There are four meetings per year, two business and two social meetings.  Meeting times will vary. Special meetings also can be called by the President. There are several committees and activities through which the member can actively participate in the organization. One of these, the Sewing Group, meets most Wednesdays, 9:00 AM-12:30 PM, from March - October.   For more information regarding the Altar Society, contact Cathedral's Parish Office at (816) 232-7763.



New Officers 2017 2018